Saturday 16 May 2009


Readers, do you look forward to your post? I absolutely look forward to my mail hitting the door mat everyday and, despite the obligatory bills and junk mail I do still enjoy the surprise aspect of wondering who, or what, has decided to contact me today.

However, I have to draw a big fat line at receiving the trash that came through my letterbox yesterday. The person who decided that it would be a good idea to slip the racist rantings of the British National Party into my post box deserves to be sent to live in North Korea for a while and really experience racism for what it is. Personally speaking, I hate racist fuckers like the BNP. The sad thing is that there are people across the country who actually think that by voting for the BNP they'll actually get something. It's all very well to go around spouting bullshit like "British Jobs for British People" but you have to look further than a pamphlet designed to soften the image of a party of proven thugs. Firstly, by voting BNP you are throwing away any freedom, admittedly not much these days, that you enjoy. Why? If they can exclude the so called "foreigners" from the pleasures of normal life, they can exclude anyone. Think about how Nazi Germany came about, and you'll see that voting BNP is a seriously bad idea.

And as for the pamphlet itself, it frankly made me sick to touch it. If it weren't for the fact it had journalistic interest, I'd have torn it up and tossed it in the nearest bin to rot. The pictures of so called "ordinary people" who give the reasons they're going to vote BNP are embarrassing to say the least, and the models they used -for I hope that's all they are- should be ashamed of themselves for even allowing their faces to be seen on such trash! I don't disagree that there are a multitude of issues that need sorting out but , again, the BNP are not the answer to any of them. And as for the pledge that all MEP's of the BNP will give ten percent of their salaries away to help local communities celebrate St Georges Day, why? Wouldn't it be better to give ten percent of their salaries to more worthy causes than an event that has almost bearing on our culture in these modern times? Personally speaking, I'd rather suck a cyanide lozenge than celebrate such a blatantly exclusionist event.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against standing up for your heritage or celebrating your culture. I just think there are better ways of doing it than voting for the British National Party, waving odd out dated flags around and sitting around being house proud. Being British in the modern sense is about non-exclusionist behaviour and openess to others. We all have open minds, refrain from espousing uneducated racist opinions that only cause others to think us stupid and bigoted and ultimately take people as we find them. So, why should we not vote BNP? Because We've Earned the Right! That, by the way is the campaign catchphrase of this bunch of no hopers, and it's highly ironic that it should be so easily used against them.

Remember, BNP equals racist idiot thugs with no grasp of culture or tact.

Mnsr Seba

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