Sunday 26 July 2009


If there's one thing to do on a rainy Sunday morning, it's watch cartoons.

As an adult, I am proud to admit that I do occasionally watch cartoons. Usually, it's with my son, who is at the perfect age to enjoy the simple pleasures and bright shades of the average cartoon show. He also finds it quite educational, does my little Monsieur. On a Sunday morning, I usually dig out the SpongeBob box set and have a Spongeathon until lunchtime rears it's ravenous head once and for all. See, secretly all adults can admit to having a small like of cartoons, and those who rigorously deny all affection for animation are like alcoholics in the midst of a serious addiction. They are also denying a big part of their childhood!

There can't have been many of us who didn't watch TV when we were younger, and the first show we probably watched was an animated kids TV show. I remember vaguely the first time I watched TV, when I was four, - Yes, four years old! - and it was a kids show from what I recall. The TrapDoor, maybe. Ah, The TrapDoor! Even now I watch that show. It's so unthinkably dirty in it's humor that such a kids show would never get past the censors these days without some very serious cuts to the even back then highly obvious bonking jokes. Of course, my toddler likes it too! The least I can do as a parent is to pass on my childhood to him. In fact, every parent should do the exact same thing.

There are so many kids who think that Teletubbies is the epitome of televisual entertainment, when are so many great TV shows from the past that would be just as effective today. When I find an older kids show on the shelves in my local DVD purveyor I smile to myself. Being a quarter into ones natural life, everything is suddenly looking different than usual. Those memories I used to consider worthless now have attained an extra significance due to my new mindset. Of course, there are many who never grow up, and applause to them for being able to do that in a world where youth is snatched from our children at an early age and never given back until our dying days when it's an unfitting as a bad hairstyle.

I do think, to some degree, having a child does reconnect you to your inner child, and my enjoyment of kids shows is maybe connected to that. The sheer fact is, that there are some brilliant kids shows out there that really should be discovered by more people! If this were Japan, were grown ups are entitled to watch their anime by virtue of the fact that being childish is openly encouraged by some corners of society. And, if you've ever been to Akihabara, you'll see millions of such people walking around. Not all of them are your typical geek style people either!

To end this , I'll leave you with some videos to consider. Will you reconnect with your inner screaming baby? Or will I see you in Akihabara with the other millions of people?

Pass it on people, pass it on!

Mnsr Seba

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