Thursday 8 October 2009

Have You Fed The Fish?

Being a Monsieur, I really must pay more attention to my domain. All those good intentions that I started out with have kinda fallen by the wayside as my life has fattened itself up, gorging on my time like an American in a Japanese branch of McDonalds gorges their tiny burgers. (Trust me, they're so tiny you could eat them in three bites if you had a mouth as big as mine.) Which is all very worrisome, as there really shouldn't be any American inside me, especially those who eat in McDonalds. All this means that I haven't found that much time to update recently. So, you're probably surprised that I'm here right now.

Yes, a few hours of peace have prevailed over me and their mighty force has literally pushed me into my armchair with a mocha and a latte cupcake with the remit to "write a damn post on your blog, you misfit!". Well, I'm not a misfit, as far as I'm aware, but I do need to pay some attention to my enigmatically titled blog. So, here goes. The more observant amongst you may have noticed that there are some fish swimming around on this blog, and they get hungry. They have been known to bite the hand off visitors who innocently click by hoping to garner Monsieur like wisdom. Literally. See, it's not difficult to satiate them, the key point is that they are digital fish. Yes, people, digital fish. As such, it takes only a few clicks of the mouse to fee them. Why not have a go? I promise they won't bite, except for the blue one, he's a bit of Conservative.

Hopefully this will go some way to ensuring the safety of my treasured readers, whom I would embrace physically if my restraint order didn't still apply. That, and the fact that in a digital world there is no law except the Four Pixels of the Apocalypse, whose names remain a much guarded secret. (Hint: Gates) Of course, I have to thank my friend Seba for allowing me access to this vital information, which may be the most important thing ever. ( It isn't.) But, even if this makes no sense to you at all, the most important message is that I am still alive and will probably drop a post on you very soon.

No, there will be no puns.

Le Monsieur.

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