Sunday, 13 December 2009

Le Monsieur Says...Oui, I Know.

You know, much as I keep starting a post I can never seem to get it finished or beyond the first paragraph. And it's not because I'm lazy, unsophisticated or pissing away my existence on drinking expensive wine in dark rooms...hic... not at all, this Monsieur has been exploring avenues of culture that he hasn't explored before and possibly won't explore ever again. Were they scary festivals of intense desire and rage? No, they were just plain uncultural to this here Monsieur. Now I never usually turn my already quite well re-angled nose up at anything - because too much of that stuff just fucks up your nose completely - but the things I have seen recently have just disgusted me to the core of soul. (I think it's still there unless I sold it for something in my misspent Masterhood...) But enough of those hideous unmentionable things that shame the concept of high culture, this gens has things to discuss. 

You probably all wondered where I've been these past few weeks, hanging on tenterhooks in your collective digital lounges awaiting my next dispatch from the world of Le Monsieur. Well, if I told you I'd be lynched and Kim-Jong Il would kill me next time I set foot over the border, so I'll not risk my Monsieurhood for such a minor transgression. But the one thing I can say is that life is not the same without a glass of something and a pen and parchment. Shakespeare had it right when he *possibly* said that writing is the best thing ever to happen to mankind besides coffee beans, and being a Monsieur like him I can only concur lest the hounds come and consume me again. However, to explain the babble that the caffeine makes me pour out like a verbal kettle (I know, good!) I really have to say that I envy that lucky fucker Seba, a friend of mine so you're not confused, in that he can write so many posts and throw so many away to be able to post almost every other day. In all honesty, I'm sure he's on drugs the stuff he writes about. But I still love him like an almost twin brother who is extremely anti-social to boot. 

It just goes to show that people really are people and the world is a truly bizarre place. There is a theory  that if you meet your double you will surely die a horrible death soon after. Well, that means that one of us is bound to die very soon. In the advent that it's me, I think I'll sign off. I need to pay that bill...they find you whereever you go, I've heard!

Le Monsieur.

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