Friday 24 July 2009

God Is A Blogger.

As with most things, it stared with a thought. The now cliched light bulb flashed above my noggin and suddenly I was illuminated. So, I logged into my Blogger account, clicked on the the button marked 'Create a Blog', and attempted to get the following URL:

You're probably thinking that I've lost my mind, aren't you? I wouldn't blame you, to be honest. Such URL's are generally the property of heretics with natural skull caps and toe nails as yellow as the sun. But, worry ye not faithful readers. For, if it is the case that I am insane, my sanity has long been in question. I am in no doubt that I am not *normal* in a normal sense. See, there are somethings that man, or indeed, a person, has to do in order to make life a more enjoyable experience. And, just as some people crave to have in their possession that special bag or license plate, I wanted that URL desperately. Readers, i actually craved to possess a URL. Think about that fact for a second. Isn't it cool?!

Why, you ask yourself, would I want such a URL so desperately, ravenously even. the answer, my friends, is not because it's blowing in the blogosphere, but because it's a cool name for a blog. And, in the blog world, a name matters a lot. Just like a designer name, or even a brand. And, call me mad, but god is a blogger is bound to be an attention grabber. And,whilst I'll unfortunately never know how much of grabber it is, as it wasn't available, I can still bask in it's glory. because. there is definite coolness about that name. You could argue that it was a little big headed of me to actually consider wanting it that much in the first place. To that opinion I say this: Maybe it is but does that make it bad? We all want something, after all. Be it money, sex, power or even a URL.

But just because we get it doesn't make us totally happy. Unfortunately, I didn't.

What's next on my list?

Mnsr Seba.

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