Thursday 13 August 2009

All Good Things Must Come To An End.

In these days of recession and swift change as fast as the wind itself, all good things must come to an unfortunate, if not unavoidable , end. This is unfortunately the case with one of the free magazines I discovered only a few months back, +1.

I picked it up today from the usual over priced boutique selling tat on Bold Street, (Which one? My left lobe.) and was flicking through it amiably enough, soaking up the content into my extremely spongy frontal lobe when I came upon the last page, entitled, curiously, Obituary. The word obituary is an everyday buzz phrase when you're a morbid undertaker, or classifieds editor, but to this Monsieur it sends a signal so spine chilling I had just cause to take a sip of my double strength mocha post haste. Problem was, the obituary was of a selfish nature. You know people choose to die just at the wrong moment, like in the middle of sex, or whilst tied to a lamp post in Newcastle, well +1 has decide to die for , quote, adult reasons.

And, we're not talking auto erotic asphyxiation here, either. We're talking post economic heaving. That meaning, lack of revenue to maintain publication. You know what, fuck this fucking economy! What the hell am I supposed to read over my mocha now, huh? Tell you, if there's any reason to string a banker up to a lamp post and prod him with blunt metal objects, this is one. OK, I've still got Vice to furtively perv through, but that's the point. See, it's damn hard to find a nice publication, worthy of thine own intelligent eyes these days, and +1 was as close to that as is possible in the days of Big Brother, X Factor and other shows slowly sapping away the already depleted intelligence quotient of the nations bus stop fucking youth.

Mesieurs et Madames, I am saddened. But still the web version lives on, even if it's not half as satisfying as clutching the magazine and sniffing it's freshly printed smell in the summers breeze.

RIP +1 print edition. You will be missed.

Le Mnsr

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