Sunday 9 August 2009

Some Apologetic Moments from Japan.

OK, because I like to spread the love around like jam on a particularly sexy piece of burnt toast, I'm gonna deliver some lovin' to y'all in the motherfucking hard form this video! Why motherfucking? Well, because when it comes to apologies and all things fight wise, the Japanese are just so great. By the way, I just abhor unnecessary bad language.

So, imagine you did something mega bad, anything, the worst thing you can think of. And, depending on what you actually did, admitted to doing, left out of the official explication and what the do-ee actually feels, you may need to place an apology in his mental letter box. How would one go about righting the inevitable wrong that blackened your actions in the first place? Well, after self mutilation, flagellating and prayer to your chosen God, there is the polite bow. Shall we try the latter, less onanistic option? Let's make it so and move on with the bows!

See, if you choose to believe this lying video, put together by a bunch of surprisingly gifted humorists from Japan who actually have some humor in them, (Quite a rarity, to be honest!), the Japanese are so polite they'd break their own back just to prove their innocence and conviction of apologetic stance. Maybe, to a degree, you could believe them. I've seen plenty a person bowing in the street, in the course of their duties etc, and they look extremely sincere, for someone who is an expert at not giving anything away for the best possible reasons. (Inner self versus public self, a very Japanese concept, which is why the various levels of politeness came to be.)

Heck, that sarariman I always saw on my train used to bow as he was talking on the phone, something which I have been known to do on occasion. But if you really want to know about the extreme cases of bowing and apologetic attitudes in Japan, here's a very amusing place to start!

Le Mnsr

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